Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A trip down memory lane...

This past weekend I revisited a youtube video that helped me survive my freshman year of college.  The reason that it was brought to my attention after approx six years of being pushed to the further corners of my mind is that my sisters' birthdays is in a couple of weeks.  They are twins and they'll finally be twenty-one.  While they tell me left and right that they will not drink a lot and get drunk on their birthday, I have still decided to take them out.  It is the duty of the older sister.  But the reason that I suddenly had to watch this video this past weekend is because it starts out with the line "happy birthday twins" and someone said it to my sisters.  Below is the video that I had completely memorized by the end of my freshman year.  WARNING, there is foul language so be careful where you play this.

1 comment:

  1. I'd never heard this video. I guess the good part about it is the lyrics weren't too hard to remember, so you had plenty of time to study?!?! My freshman year I was sustained more by frozen custard (I started school in Madison, Wisconsin) and the Nine Inch Nails album, Closer. Quite a difference!
